Tracking Observability
Add Events from Inspector

Import events from Inspector

Inspector compares ingested events and properties against the tracking plan and detects if any are missing. You can import missing events either in bulk or one by one.


If you have not yet installed Inspector, check out the Inspector installation overview.

Import events from Inspector events

In the Inspector Events view, the red tracking plan icon will indicate those events seen in your tracking that are not documented in your Avo Tracking Plan. Click the “Add (X) events to tracking plan button” to review them in one go and select which events to import. You can also add them one by one by clicking the “Add” button next to each event. If there are no events unexpected by the tracking plan, this button will be greyed out.

Add events from Inspector events image

Import events from Inspector issues

You can also import events from Inspector Issues. If there are events unexpected by the tracking plan, you can click the “Add (X) events to tracking plan button” at the top left of the issues table. If there are no events unexpected by the tracking plan, this button will be greyed out.

Add events from Inspector issues image

Import from a single issue

You can also add individual events by selecting an “Event unexpected by tracking plan” issue and clicking “Add to Tracking Plan”.

Add single event from issue image

Reviewing your import

Once you click the button, a "Review import data" view will open with an overview of all unexpected events and the sources on which they were seen. You can expand each event to review its properties.

From here you can:

  • Select which events to include in your import
  • Select the sources to include for each event
  • Select the properties to include for each event
  • Adjust property types and whether it should be required or optional

When importing, properties already documented in the tracking plan will be reused on the event and additional properties will be added.

Add single event from issue image

Resolving conflicts

To make sure that your tracking plan is consistent and free of duplicates, Avo will automatically resolve and/or advise you of conflicts in your import.

Avo will auto-resolve conflicts when:

  • Property type does not match tracking plan: If a property is already documented in the tracking plan, it will be re-used on the event. Avo will let you know whether Inspector saw the property with a different value type than documented in the tracking plan.
  • Property type inconsistent: New properties that were seen with two or more value types will default to the most common property type. For example, if the property was seen in 70% of cases as “string” and 30% of cases as an “integer” value, the property will be imported as “string”.

After importing properties with value type conflicts to your tracking plan, Inspector will flag those issues in your data moving forward.

Avo will ask you to review the following conflicts:

  • Similar event in tracking plan
  • Similar event in import
  • Similar event seen by Inspector

Completing the import

Once you have made your selections, you can either make your import directly to the main branch of your tracking plan or create a new branch for the import.


Unless you're building your tracking plan from scratch, we recommend creating a new branch for importing events.

To finish the import, click the "Import" button.