Avo Inspector SDKs

Avo Inspector Web SDK

Quick Start Guide

Find the Quick Start Guide in our GitHub repo (opens in a new tab).

1. Installation

Installation option 1: NPM / Yarn

Inspector library is available through npm. Run the following command to install it:

npm install avo-inspector
import * as Inspector from 'avo-inspector';

Obtain the API key in the Sources tab in your (opens in a new tab) workspace.

You will need to create an instance of AvoInspector with the constructor:

constructor(options: {
    apiKey: string;
    env: AvoInspectorEnv;
    version: string;
    appName?: string;
    suffix?: string;

All the following methods are available in the AvoInspector class.


  • apiKey - the API key you get in your Avo account
  • env - current environment: "dev", "staging" or "prod"
  • appVersion - your application version. A lot of Inspector features rely on versioning and you need to provide a comparable string here to get value from them. We recommend using semantic versioning or integers that are incremented in every release.
  • appName - your application name. Optional; Provide it to make it easier to distinguish between data from different apps.
  • suffix - optional. If you are using more than 1 instance of Avo Inspector in the same project provide a unique string here.

Installation option 2: HTML Tag

Warning! This step is not enough to connect Avo Inspector. Make sure to proceed to step 2 to complete your setup.

Paste the HTML script tag snippet within the <head> tag of your page, or into a tag manager like Google Tag Manager (GTM).

When pasting the HTML script snippet into GTM, paste it into a GTM Tag and have it load as early as possible. It needs to be loaded before you call your events.

Make sure to update __API_KEY__, __ENV__, __VERSION__ and __APP_NAME__ based on your project. Obtain the API key in the Sources tab in your (opens in a new tab) workspace.

  !(function () {
    var t = (window.inspector = window.inspector || []);
    (t.methods = [
      (t.factory = function (e) {
        return function () {
          var r =;
          return r.unshift(e), t.push(r), t;
    for (var e = 0; e < t.methods.length; e++) {
      var r = t.methods[e];
      t[r] = t.factory(r);
    (t.load = function () {
      var t = document.createElement('script');
      (t.type = 'text/javascript'),
        (t.async = !0),
        (t.src = '');
      var e = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
      e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e);
      (t._scriptVersion = 1);
  // Update the following variables to match your project.
  inspector.__API_KEY__ = 'YOUR-API-KEY';
  inspector.__ENV__ = 'dev'; // or "prod"
  inspector.__VERSION__ = 'YOUR-APP-VERSION';
  // inspector.__APP_NAME__ = "YOUR-APP-NAME"; // Optional

When Setting Up GTM, you can use the inspect tool in your browser to see if your GTM tag is firing the track call correctly.

2. Send event schemas to Avo Inspector

This is the core of the Avo Inspector SDK.

Call **one of the methods** in this section every time an event is tracked.

Track option 1

inspector.trackSchemaFromEvent(eventName: string, eventProperties: {
    [propName: string]: any;
}): void;

Extracts the event schema from event properties represented by the second parameter ({ [propName: string]: any; }) and sends the schema to Avo for analysis.


  • eventName - string event name, also known as event type.
  • eventProperties - The actual event properties, which will be converted to an event schema on the device and the event schema sent to Avo. The resulting keys will be object field names and the values will be object field value types converted to schema types.
Example format:
var eventProperties = {
  userId: 1337,
  emailAddress: '',
  key: 'value',

Track option 2

inspector.trackSchema(eventName: string, eventSchema: Array<{
    propertyName: string;
    propertyType: string;
    children?: any;
}>): void;

This method allows you to process the event schema before sending it. It's handy to extract the schema from your event properties with extractSchema (see below), process it, and then provide it to this method.


  • eventName - string event name, also known as event type.
  • eventSchema - actual event schema that will be sent to Avo. Keys are event parameters names and values are event parameters types.

Example format:

var returnedSchema = [
      propertyName: 'userId';
      propertyType: 'int';
      propertyName: 'emailAddress';
      propertyType: 'string';
      propertyName: 'key';
      propertyType: 'string';

See supported schema types here.

Other methods

1. Extract schema from event properties

inspector.extractSchema(eventProperties: {
    [propName: string]: any;
}): Array<{
    propertyName: string;
    propertyType: string;
    children?: any;

This is the method used by trackSchemaFromEvent internally. The event schema is extracted from the event properties' JS object, itself in the form of a JS object as well.


  • eventProperties - An event properties object. Keys are event properties' names and values are event properties' values. The format is the same as the eventProperties parameter in the trackSchemaFromEvent method.

Return Value:

  • A JS object containing the event schema of the given event properties. The keys are the event properties' names and the values are the event properties' types. The format is the same as eventSchema parameter in the trackSchema method.

2. Print logs

inspector.enableLogging(enable: boolean): void;

enableLogging controls printing of tracked event schemas and other helpful information to logcat. Enabled by default in development environments.


  • enable - boolean flag that sets whether Avo Inspector SDK will print logs.

3. Controlling the batch size

setBatchSize(newBatchSize: number): void;

Enables manual control over events batching. The default batch size in production is 30, i.e. the library attempts to send event schemas to the server when it has 30 or more schemas. In development batching is disabled by default.


  • int newBatchSize - sets batch size.

4. Controlling the batching interval

setBatchFlushSeconds(newBatchFlushSeconds: number): void;

Enables manual control over events batching. The default production batch flush interval is 30 seconds, i.e. the library attempts to send event schemas to the server when 30 or more seconds pass, given that there are unsent schemas.


  • int newBatchFlushSeconds - sets batch flush time in seconds.

Using in web workers

The Web SDK maintains some shared state across the tracking calls and stores the data for batching, which makes it not suitable for web workers usage.

If you have event tracking in web workers, we recommend to set up a listener in the main thread and send your event data there, where an inspector instance will be listening, processing and sending the event schemas to Avo.

This approach will allow you to use the shared batching and sessions across all web workers and the main thread.

GTM and CDPs

Find our guides to connect Inspector through the GTM or a CDP below: