New in Avo: Prevent tracking plan regression w/ branch audits
Product updates
Sölvi Logason, CTO & Co-Founder

Sölvi Logason, CTO & Co-Founder

May 11, 2022

New in Avo: Prevent tracking plan regression w/ branch audits

In the last couple of weeks we’ve been focusing on helping you design better tracking plans with Avo by showing you a tracking plan audit for all suggested changes in Avo. We also managed to squash a few bugs and improve a couple of things along the way.

Keep scrolling for updates on what we’ve been shipping 🚤

Tracking plan audit on the branch review screen

Up until now, when viewing changes on a branch, it has been fairly difficult to see the impact of those changes on the quality and consistency of your tracking plan as a whole – and reviewers have had to check manually for any issue on the branch.

To help you consistently get your tracking plan to a better state, we've launched an audit feature on the branch review screen where you can evaluate the quality of your work and quickly make fixes where needed.

The audit evaluates the same criteria for events and properties as the overall tracking plan audit, highlighting duplicates, incorrect casing, flagging missing descriptions and making sure all properties have a defined type.

Inline audit of tracking plan changes in the diff screen

Issues are highlighted in the context of each event, enabling you to fix them as you go while reviewing your changes

Inline audit on an event

Branch audit summary

At the bottom of the branch review screen, you now have an audit listing all issues (or no issues, if you're a tracking plan rockstar 🎸)

Issue summary at the bottom of the branch review screen

Auto-correction for incorrect casing

When the audit flags events or properties with incorrect casing, Avo suggests an alternative name that adheres to your naming conventions – change to the correct casing in one simple click!

Auto-correction for invalid property names

Enforce a 0 issue policy

For Enterprise plans you’re able to enforce that there are no issues introduced on branches before they are merged.

Learn more about branch audits in this doc ->

Other bug fixes and improvements
  • Group properties are now shown in the implementation event docs
  • You can now expand object property types to see the full object type definition
  • Now you can create categories straight from the categories input on events and metrics with one simple click
  • Bug fix: Being able to add properties to property groups from property group overview screen
  • Bug fix: Archived properties could not be removed from a metric definition
  • Inspector correctly reports 0% property volume for missing required properties

As always, thanks for your invaluable feedback that allows us to make Avo better every day!

That’s all for now! Let us know what you think, and what you think we should build next, by hitting reply to this email 🤗

Love from the product team @ Avo 💛